Rules, SCOLL 2023 Labour Day Classic, 2023 Season (Stoney Creek Optimist Little League)




Coin Flip for home for each game, furthest team away calls it in the air,  Home team will be given to the higher seed for playoff games.


Little League rules, USA bats, etc.


Games are scheduled for 6 innings, there is no new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes this includes playoff games.


6 run mercy per inning.


15 run game mercy after 3 innings.


10 run game mercy after 4 innings.


Win = 2 points, Tie = 1 point, Loss = 0 points.


Continuous batting order, unlimited defensive substitutions.


Pitchers can pitch 3 innings maximum per game, 1 pitch = 1 inning. 7 innings maximum for the tournament.


If you pitch 3 innings you can’t catch in that game. If you catch 4 innings you can’t pitch in that game.


As soon as pitcher is back on mound with the ball then runners need to go back to bases.


2 out catcher rule in effect. Last out can run.


No on-deck batters or any swings outside of fence during a game.


Pitchers can warm up in the bullpens, need a player spotter with helmet and glove or a coach spotting with a glove.


No dropped 3rd strike.


Infield fly rule is in effect.


9 defensive players, you can play with 8. 7 or less results in a forfeit with a score of 7-0.


Games 1 v 4 and 2 v 3 + championship game on Sunday will be played until there is a winner, all other games can end in a tie.


Tie breakers are as follows:


1) Head to Head.

2) Run Differential (Runs for minus runs against) Vs. All Teams.

3) Run(s) Against per Inning

4) Run(s) For per Inning

5) Coin Flip, furthest team away calls it in the air.